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Summer sampling: Wienfluss, MA31 and MA48

Team TecEUS
28 June 2021
On Monday, 28th of June, sampling of the Wienfluss and the green façades of MA31 and MA48 was performed by PhD students Philipp Spörl (BOKU) and Simone Trimmel (MUL) supported by student trainee Julia Retter (MUL). Compared to last time, the weather was more appealing for outdoor sampling. 30 °C and a clear blue sky accompanied us during the whole activity.
Sampling of river water at the Wienfluss was conducted for the second time in the course of our project. Again, both the river’s entry to Vienna in Hütteldorf and its exit in the city park were sampled using a telescopic rod and acid-cleaned 100 ml PP-bottles. This time, the water level was much lower than during spring sampling.
With the vegetation period at its zenit, it was possible to collect plants from each sampling spot of nearly all our eight species. Substrate samples were taken at MA48, whereas the construction type of the green façade of MA31 did not allow us to perform any substrate sampling.