TecEUS was based on the transdisciplinary collaboration of the Montanuniversität Leoben (Dept. of Chemistry), the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Institute of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction; Institute of Social Ecology) and the Medical University of Vienna (Centre for Public Health).

PI Teceus PI – Team MUL
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Johanna Irrgeher (MUL)
is the PI of TecEUS with a >10-year record in environmental analytical chemistry and also leading the project activities related to analytical chemistry and mass spectrometry (senior scientist at MUL since 2019/01). She is experienced in terrestrial sampling and has been involved in large cruise sampling campaigns.
Her expertise covers sampling, sample preparation, method development for trace element and isotopic analysis, measurements, data reduction, statistical data analysis and uncertainty propagation. JI is experienced with the handling of large data sets, elemental analysis (ICP-QMS, ICP-SFMS, ICP-MS/MS) and isotopic analysis methods (e.g. B, S, Sr, Mo, Zn, Ti, Mo, Gd, Pb, Nd and U isotopes based on MC ICP-MS) and chemical imaging involving (LA)-ICP-MS as well as hyphenated techniques (prepFAST-MC, seaFAST) for low-level analysis of metals and rare earth metals. JI has been involved into various transdisciplinary research projects and supervised more than 30 students from all levels.
JI will be key responsible for sampling, the development of the analytical techniques and LA-ICP-MS /LIBS, ICP-MS/MS and MC ICP-MS for elemental and isotopic analysis.

Dr. Donata Bandoniene
holds a permanent position as senior scientist at the Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry (MUL). Her expertise lies in developing and applying analytical methods based on elemental mass spectrometric techniques as well as x-ray fluorescence-based techniques.

Research Scientist - Team MUL
Simone Trimmel, MSc
is a Research Scientist at the Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry (MUL). In June 2020, she has completed her Master’s degree in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Simone has experience with environmental sampling, sample preparation and trace-level analysis of environmental contaminants with a special focus on mass spectrometry. As part of TecEUS, she will be involved in sampling of green façades and ICP-MS analysis of technology-critical elements.

Team MUL
Laura Feiner
is currently doing her bachelor’s degree in Metallurgy at the Montanuniversität Leoben and is a student employee at the institute for general analytical chemistry in the isotope analysis working group. The TecEUS project is a great opportunity to spend some time in the lab, learn new things and gain practical experience by helping with sample preparation and measurements.

Team MUL
Maria Feiner
is currently doing her bachelor’s degree in metallurgy at the Montanuniversität Leoben and is a student employee at the institute for general analytical chemistry in the isotope analysis working group. With her big love for chemistry she is looking forward to gaining practical experience by helping with sample preparation and measurements.

Student employee - Team MUL
Nagi Lashin
is currently doing his bachelor’s degree in recycling technologies at the Montanuniversität Leoben and is a student employee at the institute for general analytical chemistry in the isotope analysis working group. The TecEUS project is an ideal opportunity to gain practical experience in the field of environmental protection by helping the team with sample preparation and measurements.

Apprentice – Team MUL
Martina Maurerhas been an apprentice at MUL since September 2019 and is looking forward to learning more about being a chemist as part of this project. This includes the general handling of a project from the preliminary meetings to the laboratory work such as sampling, preparation and measurement of trace elements and isotope ratios by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers. Martina is part of the technical team in Leoben and will complete her apprenticeship in early 2023.

Tine Opper
holds a position as chemical laboratory technician at MUL. In her area of responsibility she is involved in project management, sampling, sample preparation, measurement of trace elements and isotope ratios by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers, as well as the evaluation and presentation of research results. Tine is part of the technical team, managing the labs in Leoben. She will support the TecEUS team in tasks related to her field of expertise.

Univ. Prof Dr. Thomas Prohaska
is Full Professor and Head of the Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry at MUL since October 2018. With 120+ relevant publications he is a leading researcher in the field of elemental and isotopic analysis.
He will contribute to TecEUS with his expertise in analytical chemistry, citizen science-based approaches (Sparkling Science projects) and recent developments in passive sampling (FWF-project P30085).

Student assistant - Team MUL
Julia Retter
is really passionate about our planet and its future, that’s why she decided to study recycling engineering at the Montanuniversität Leoben. She got in touch with the TecEUS project while attending a seminar at the university. Now she is involved in the sampling of the water samples, their preparation for the measurements and the evaluation of the data.

Apprentice at MUL - Team MUL
Victoria Grossmann
has been an apprentice at MUL since September 2020. As part of this project, she will learn more about the profession of a chemist. This includes the general handling of a project from preliminary discussions to laboratory work such as sampling, preparation and measurement. She is particularly entrusted with the additional workpackage dedicated to bees and their products. Vici is part of the technical team in Leoben and will complete her training in early 2024.
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Institute of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction (IBLB)
Institute of Social Ecology (SEC)


Priv.Doz. Dr. Ulrike Pitha
has high expertise in vegetation technology, the setup and evaluation of vertical greening for improvement of city life, monitoring plants and their effects. Uli combines profound know-how in measurement, monitoring and experimental set-up of binding fine particulate with plants and long-time experience in participating and leading transdisciplinary in (inter)national research projects about measurements; simulation, assessment of effects of green façades; expertise and involvement in several Vienna-based topic-related projects. Her investigations encompass basic research, examinations of new methods and their applicability in practice. She is leader of the research group ‘vegetation technology’ with the research focus on green infrastructure, plant use in urban areas, plant monitoring, quantification of ecosystem services, urban rainwater management with plants, development of living walls, green roofs and substrates. UP will be responsible for sampling of study sites for green façades and the setup of wind channel box experiments.

André Baumgart, MSc.
is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Social Ecology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna. In his research, he primarily applies stock-driven flow modelling approaches to investigate resource demand of socio-economic processes in the context of sustainability transformations, circularity, and climate change. In TecEUS, he will develop a stock-driven flow model of selected technology-critical elements for Vienna, Austria. Thereby, in-use stocks, demand, and in-use dissipation in an urban area will be estimated and analyzed from both a resource use and toxicological perspective.

Senior scientist BOKU-IBLB
DI Dr. Bernhard Scharf
studied Landscape planning and design and graduated with excellence in 2001. Since 2006 he is member of the research group of Priv. Doz. Dr. Ulrike Pitha. His research emphases on the investigation of ecosystem services as well as the development of innovative services and technological solution in the realm of green infrastructure in the urban context. As senior scientist, he has vast experience in development of research designs, measurement methods and monitoring of effects, derived by plants. Currently, he is finalizing his PhD thesis titled Plants in Cities – Effects of Green Infrastructures on Urban Energy and Water Balance.

Master student BOKU
Susan Sauerbrey
is currently doing her masters’s degree in Landscape Planning and Landscape Architecture at the University of Natural Resources and Life Science. Her master's thesis deals with green infrastructures and the air filter effect of various plants. To this she will be involved in the setup of wind channel experiments.

PhD student BOKU-IBLB
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Spörl
joined the master’s degree program in Landscape Planning and Landscape Architecture at the University of Natural Resources and Life Science in 2016 and finished his master thesis with the title “Facade greening in a modular, living wall system” in October 2019.
Since 2018 he is a member of the research group “vegetation technology” at the Institute of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction. His research focus is on plant monitoring, living walls and substrates. He will be involved in the sampling of study sites for green façades (WP 3.2) and the setup of wind channel box experiments (WP 4).

Dr. Dominik Wiedenhofer Institute of Social Ecology (SEC)
has considerable experience in developing novel bottom-up and top-down dynamic MFA modelling applications. Within the project, he will expand his modelling expertise into technology-specific applications required to investigate TCEs from a systems perspective on sustainability. DW utilizes approaches of Industrial Ecology to investigate the dynamics of socioeconomic material and energy flows in relation to societal stocks of technologies, buildings and infrastructure. He investigates potentials of a circular economy in the context of long-term trajectories of resource use and accumulation of materials in products, infrastructure and buildings. He has been involved in a number of large interdisciplinary projects and currently works as Post-Doc and project manager for an ERC-Advanced Grant. This positions him perfectly to contribute to TecEUS and its large conceptual and empirical communication requirements between the different sub-teams. DW will be responsible for developing the socio-ecological MFA in close interaction between the core teams to ensure compatibility of generated data and insights.

PhD student BOKU-SEC
Doris Virag, M.A. MSc.
is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Social Ecology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna. Her research focuses on society-nature interactions and their interdependences. She works on understanding societal metabolism and its environmental implications and potentials of circular economy strategies for achieving a future with more sustainable resource use patterns. In this project, she will contribute to conducting a system-wide material flow analysis (MFA) of technology critical elements in Vienna. The goal is to establish a technology-specific dynamic MFA model to process data generated by the other project modules.

Priv-Doz. Dr. Daniela Haluza
holds a PhD in Public Health and is a medical specialist in microbiology and hygiene and associate professor at the Center for Public Health. Her research focuses on environmental hygiene and Public Health aspects of ambient air pollution in Europe and skin health promotion in Austria. She coined the term Green Public Health for research investigating how natural environments contribute to human health and wellbeing. Environmental health research supports the development of individual and collective measures to protect against harmful effects, to promote health and sustainable development, and to evaluate these measures in terms of their efficiency, effectiveness and acceptance. DH is trained in Open Innovation in Science and will act as consultant in aspects related to citizen science sampling, data interpretation and in charge of work packages related to Green Public Health.

holds a Master’s degree in Ecology and currently he is a PhD candidate at the Center of Public Health at the Medical University of Vienna. He has worked for more than 7 years at the Institute of Technology Assessment of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, where he gained a comprehensive expertise concerning the analysis of intended and unintended effects of technologies. Furthermore he has profound knowledge on the related technology innovation processes and the socio-technical arrangements they are embedded in. In his research he is exploring the social and socio-technical innovations related to urban green infrastructure and how these can facilitate the physical and mental well-being of (urban) citizens.